Barbara Bojarska

by Barbara Bojarska

Book cover by Barbara Bojarska, reprint by Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko-Pomorskie, 1989
Nationality Polish
Occupation Research scientist at Western Institute (IZ)
Known for Forensic investigation into Massacres in Piaśnica

Barbara Bojarska is a Polish historian, prize-winning author,[1] and former long-term research scientist at the Western Institute (Instytut Zachodni) in Poznań, where she received her doctorate for the work about Massacres in Piaśnica. Her books are devoted almost entirely to history of Pomerania with special focus on the World War II atrocities committed against ethnic Poles by Nazi Germany during Operation Tannenberg.[1]

Bojarska began her scientific career at the Institute, as the research aid to Professor Karol Pospieszalski in 19581966, director of the Research Department of History of Nazi Occupation of Poland (Zakład Badania Dziejów Okupacji Hitlerowskiej w Polsce). She was traveling between Potsdam and Magdeburg,[1][2] collecting data about the fate of Poles during the genocidal Intelligenzaktion Pommern.[3] Since then, she wrote numerous publications on the subject widely cited by Polish as well as German historians.[4] Her first ground-breaking research into the Massacres in Piaśnica was published in 1964 when still little was known about it. Her subsequent Piaśnica monograph was released by Zakład Ossolineum in Wrocław in 1978 and since reprinted several times.[5]

Selected publications

Notes and references

  1. 1 2 3 Gryf Literacki dla super książki. Announcements.
  2. ABC (27 May 2005), Barbara Bojarska (in) Karol M. Pospieszalski by Instytut Zachodni. Lustro nauki.
  3. Archives, Przegląd Zachodni bimonthly (list of PDF files) at Wayback stored from the Polish original. Archived November 29, 2014, at the Wayback Machine. See Table of Contents (PDF) for the years 196569, pp. 123, 128, 297; and Table of Contents (PDF) for the years 197074 among others.
  4. Instytut kaszubski. at Wayback (PDF) stored from Polish original Archived November 29, 2014, at the Wayback Machine.. Cited, pp. 207 (127/160 in PDF) etc.
  5. Elżbieta Grot, Piaśnica 1939-1940. Zbrodnia wciąż okryta tajemnicą (The murder still shouded in mystery), 2 September 2013; with timeline from
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