Bold for Delphi

Bold for Delphi is an advanced Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and application framework written in Delphi. It is designed to significantly increase developer's productivity providing them with the following facilities:

The use

When an application uses Bold, a model is created with attributes, links and methods. An interface is then generated to the model that the application can use. As the application evolves, the model may need to be changed. Then changes to the inteface are generated, as well as a DB-script with the SQL code to change the database structure. Existing data in the database and methods in the code are preserved. The programmer can make advanced use of the database without touching SQL in code. A good tutorial is found here [1]


Bold was founded by BoldSoft, a company in Stockholm. Unfortunately the framework is not for sale any more as Borland bought BoldSoft and then put it on hold. There have been discussions to release the code as open source. Borland have had the copyrights for a long time. Currently Embarcadero have the legal rights to this framework. ECO is the follower of Bold for Delphi but is only available on .NET Framework.


Bold for Delphi 2006

External links


  1. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2009-10-18. Retrieved 2009-09-01.
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