Death in the City

Death in the City is an apologetic work by American theologian Francis A. Schaeffer, Chicago:InterVarsity Press, first published in 1969. It is Book Four in Volume Four of The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer A Christian Worldview. Westchester, IL:Crossway Books, 1982.


This work was written by Schaeffer as an answer to the question:

In what has been called a post-Christian world, what should be our perspective and how should we function as individuals, as institutions, as orthodox Christians, and as those who claim to be Bible-believing? (p.209)

The basic answer, given by Schaeffer in Chapter One, is that "the church in our generation needs reformation, revival, and constructive revolution." (p. 209)

Table of contents


  1. Schaeffer, Francis, "Chapter 9: The Universe and Two Chairs," in Death in the City, Reprinted at Nehemiah's Prayer Watch. Accessed August 22, 2006.
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