Dipteryx alata

Dipteryx alata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Dipteryx
Species: D. alata
Binomial name
Dipteryx alata

Coumarouna alata (Vogel) Taub.
Dipteryx pteropus Mart.
Dipteryx pterota Benth.

Baru is a species of the legume genus (Dipteryx alata) in the family Fabaceae. It is a large tree, usually referred to as "Baruzeiro" (Baru tree) in Portuguese, and its fruits and almonds are known as Baru. Other less-used names besides Baru are Cumaru, Cumbaru, Barujo, Coco-feijão, Cumarurana, Emburena-brava, Feijão-coco, and Pau-cumaru.

It is found only in the Cerrado savannah of Midwestern Brazil and part of eastern Bolivia, being threatened of habitat loss by intensive farming. Historically it has been used as lumber, for charcoal production and for shade in pastures. The fruits are used as feed for cattle bovine and are also an important food source for small mammals, rodents, birds, bats, etc. The almonds are highly nutritious and a food source to the local communities.

The tree can measure up to 25 m in height, 0.7 m in diameter and have a useful lifespan of 60 years. A tree will produce about 150 kg of fruit per harvest in alternating years.

Its brown fruits are either collected from the ground or picked from the tree when they are almost ripe. The fruit usually weighs 25g, of which 30% is pulp, 65% is ligneous endocarp and 5% is seed (bean/almond).

Fruits of Dipteryx alata.l

Out of the fruit, the pulp is sweet and can be consumed fresh, but is also used to manufacture jams, jellies, and liquors; the almonds are rich in flavor and are typically served after being roasted or as a part of any number of dishes including bread, cakes, Pesto sauce and ice cream; additionally the oil extracted from the almonds may be used as a culinary ingredient or in many other varied forms. Baru is rich in anti-oxidants, proteins, fibers, magnesium, potassium and iron, and has a high energy content.

The uses for the Baru fruit can be summarized as :

Products and sub-products of Baru fruit and their uses
Part of the Fruit Product/Sub-Product Uses
Pulp Pulp in natura Human food
Animal food
Dehydrated Pulp Human food
Animal food
Flour Human food
Alcohol/Liqueur Human consumption
Residues Farming (organic fertilizer)
Almond Raw almond Human food
Animal food
Agricultural (seeding)
Roasted Almond Human Food
Flour Human Food
Milk Human Food
Oil Human food
Cake Human food
Paste/Butter Human food
Ligneous endocarp Charcoal Fuel
Pyroligneous acid and tar Industrial
Ligneous Endocarp Artisanry

Additionally :

Baru almond, nutrition facts
Per 100 g
Protein 23.9 g
Total fat 38.2 g
Saturated fat 7.18 g
Unsaturated fat 31.02 g
Total fiber 13.4 g
Carbohydrates 15.8 g
Calcium 140 mg
Potassium 827 mg
Phosphorus 358 mg
Magnesium 178 mg
Copper 1.45 mg
Iron 4.24 mg
Manganese 4.9 mg
Zinc 4.1 mg
Calories 502
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See also

Portuguese Wikipedia article on Baru

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/10/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.