Ilmari Susiluoto

Ilmari Susiluoto (October 15, 1947, Lohja, Finland – March 30, 2016, Helsinki) was a Finnish political scientist, a professor at the University of Helsinki, a senior advisor at the Foreign Ministry of Finland from 1982, an expert in Russian and Soviet history, politics and society, and an author of a number of books in this field.[1]



  1. "Ilmari Susiluoto", an obituary by colleagues, Helsingin Sanomat, April 8, 2016
  2. Note: "Work Likes a Fool" is a Russian proverb (Russian: Работа дурака любит) meaning that a fool does a lot of unnecessary work
  3. Takaisin Neuvostoliittoon: A review in Finnish: "Neukkunostalgia elää anekdooteissa Ruotsalaiset:tanskalaiset ja hollantilaiset eivät pääse venäläisvitseihin, mutta tsuhnat, hauskanhölmöt suomalaiset pääsevät", Helsingin Sanomat, May 1, 2006 A review in English,: "Soviet nostalgia lives on in Russian anecdotes: Finnish political scientist examines post-Soviet humour in new book"

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