Into the Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook

Into the Unknown

Cover of the first edition
Authors Logan Bonner, Matt Sernett, and Jeff Morgenroth
Country United States
Language English
Subject Role-playing games
Genre Dungeons & Dragons
Publisher Wizards of the Coast
Publication date
Media type Print (Trade hardcover)

Into the Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook is a supplement for the 4th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.


Into the Unknown contains an assortment of new powers, equipment, feats, character themes, and player races, including the kobold and the goblin. For Dungeon Masters, the book contains dungeon-building advice and details, including lore on classic dungeon monsters, companions for adventurers, a few treasures, and tips for incorporating players' character themes into an adventure.

Publication history

Into the Unknown was written by Logan Bonner, Matt Sernett, and Jeff Morgenroth. It was published on May 15, 2012 by Wizards of the Coast. It is 160 pages in hardcover.


John ONeill from Black Gate stated that "Into the Unknown makes me want to pick up my dice again. In terms of sheer inspirational value, it surpasses any title since Frostburn (2004) and Sandstorm (2005). Even if you never play D&D again, Into the Unknown is still a great value, especially for collectors and old school gamers who appreciate the fine art of dungeon design."[1]

Shannon Appelcline commented that after the debut of the Underdark in the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide (1986) "it was a long time before D&D returned to this fertile ground. Dungoenscape (2007) covered some of the same material, but with most of its focus on dungeons. Then Dungeon Survival Guide (2007) reused the original name, but was mainly a nostalgic look at classic dungeons. Into the Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook (2012) consigned the classic name to a subhead but was still the book most in tune with the original: it includes player mechanics, GM advice, the Underdark … and even a look at a few classic dungeons."[2]


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