Ivan Domaratsky

Ivan Domaratsky (Ukrainian: Іван Домарацький; second half of the 17th century — first half of the 18th century) was a Ukrainian composer, author of partsong concertos and Liturgies. Nothing is known about his life.

His works were forgotten till the beginning of the 21st century when "Kyiv" Choir began to perform them in particular concertos No. 8 (Church Slavonic: «О тебі, отче Романе»)[1] and No. 10 (Church Slavonic: «Дух Твой Благий»).[2] Manuscripts of his works are preserved in the Institute of Manuscripts of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and in collection of Saint Sophia's Cathedral. Amongst them are (in Church Slavonic) «Концерт апостолу Тимофею», «Иже язиком ловец пречудний», concerto «Дева пресущественного рождает», «Избавленіє послав Господь», concerto in 8 voices «Блажен муж бояся Господа», All-Night Virgil «Блажен муж».



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