Maple slaw

Maple slaw
Type Salad
Course Snack or dessert
Place of origin Canada
Main ingredients Maple syrup, cabbage, onion, fish
Cookbook: Maple slaw  Media: Maple slaw

Maple slaw (also called sled dog slaw in parts of Canada) is a variation of coleslaw consisting of maple syrup, cabbage, onion, fish, and seasoning.


Maple slaw is served as a snack or dessert depending on the sweetness of the ingredients used. There are some variations of the recipe which include the addition of ingredients such as cheese, sugar, apple cider, honey or spice cereal, and chocolate.


  1. Cobb Coleslaw Salad with Maple Dressing published on the Government of Ontario website Foodland Ontario
  2. Vermont Public TV: Maple Pork Medallions & Maple Coleslaw

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