Master Artisan Guitar Picks

Brass guitar pick handcrafted by artisan picksmith Dustin Michael Headrick of Master Artisan Guitar Picks and Nashville Picks.

Master Artisan Guitar Picks, also known as Nashville Picks[1] is a brand of guitar picks created by Nashville, Tennessee musician, producer, artist and picksmith[2] Dustin Michael Headrick.[3] These guitar picks are handcrafted from a variety of materials including antique metals, cymbals, coins, wood, glass, bone, animal horn, natural stone, clay, vinyl records, Acrylic and Formica (plastic).[4] The guitar picks are recognized as being extremely aesthetic, having liquid smooth beveled edges that glide across the guitar strings without causing string wear, create a unique tonal palette, and improve the sound of the electric guitar and acoustic guitar.[5]

Reviews & Press

Master Artisan Guitar Picks have been extensively reviewed by guitarists,[6] especially the artisan coin guitar picks,[7] with many popular sources publishing public reviews such as Guitar Player Magazine,[8] Uncrate,[9] The Awesomer,[10] Jared Leto,[11] Metal Injection,[12] OhGizmo!,[13] Cool Material,[14] HiConsumptionm,[15] Technabob,[16] NotCot,[17] NeatORama,[18] StupidDOPE,[19] AxeJunction,[20] Muted,[21] Egotastic,[22] BoingBoing,[23] So Freaking Cool,[24] DudeIWantThat,[25] Werd,[26] LaughingSquid,[27] GuySpeed,[28] BookOfJoe,[29] SiloDrome,[30] Complex,[31] Like Cool,[32] and The Strut.[33]


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