
Metanastria hyrtaca, male & female
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Lasiocampidae
Genus: Metanastria
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Species: 11 species

Metanastria is a genus of Moth in the family Lasiocampidae.[1][2][3] The species of the genus are found in Europe, Japan, China, South Africa, throughout India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Java and Borneo.


Palpi long and broad. Antennae with the branches gradually decreasing to apex in male, which is short throughout in female. Mid and hind tibia have minute terminal spur pairs. Fore wings are broad, where vein 1c present, veins 6,7,8 or 6 and 7 only stalked. Stalk of veins 9 and 10 are long. Hind wings with veins 4 and 5 stalked or from cell. Vein 8 is almost touching vein 7. There are slight accessory costal veinlets.[4]


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