National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea

The "National Statistical Office" is the state statistical agency set up by an Act of the Parliament, Statistical Services Act (Chapter 386) 1980, responsible for collecting, compiling and disseminating official statistical information on a regular and timely basis. We ensure our business operations are done in compliance to the international standards, procedures and practices. Our commitment to the Government includes collaboration with other state agencies to improve and enhance capacities for delivering the required information for planning and monitoring purposes.

The National Statistical Office (NSO) is the central statistical agency of the Government mandated under the Statistical Services Act (Chapter 386) 1980. NSO is responsible for the development of arrangements for providing statistical information services including collecting, compiling and disseminating official statistical information to meet the needs of the Government and other users for information on which to base policy, planning, monitoring and management decisions. NSO's commitment to the Government includes collaboration with key state agencies, development partners and other stakeholders to improve and enhance capacities to pro¬duce and deliver quality and relevant statistics on a regular and timely basis. NSO produces statistics from data collected on weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly ba¬sis from relevant surveys and censuses it conducts and from administrative records. All business operations in NSO are done in compliance with international standards, procedures and best practices. The current NSO structure has four (4) divisions comprising two (2) technical divisions which includes: • Economic Statistics • Population and Social Statistics; and two (2) support services divisions: • Corporate Services; • Policy and Coordination.

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