Oleksiy Logvynenko

Oleksiy Logvynenko (Oleksa Logvynenko, Олекса Логвиненко) (31 March 1946 – 18 January 2016) was a Ukrainian translator who specialized in translating from German and English.[1][2][3]

Logvynenko was born on 31 March 1946 in the village of Tovmach Shpolyanskaya in the Cherkasy region. He graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. He translated from German and English the works of Heinrich Böll, Martin Walser, Peter Handke, H. Hartunh, Hermann Hesse, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Siegfried Lenz, Franz Kafka, Elias Canetti, Bernhard Kellermann, Christoph Ransmayr, Karin Boye, Cornelia Funke, Günter Grass, L. Franko, Max Frisch, J. D. Salinger, Walter Scott, H. G. Wells and others. [4]


from English

from German



  1. Політика й абсурд: дискусія про роман Роберта Музіля "Людина без властивостей" | Українська правда _Життя
  2. Повний список переможців конкурсу “Найкраща книга Форуму-2011” - Львів.comments.ua
  3. Во Львове названы лучшие книги Украины 2011 года - Украина - Багнет
  4. http://expres.ua/news/2016/01/18/169378-vidomyy-ukrayinskyy-perekladach-oleksiy-logvynenko-pomer-70-mu-roci-zhyttya
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 10/15/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.