Practice-based commissioning

Practice-Based Commissioning (PBC) is a United Kingdom Department of Health initiative designed to target financial drivers towards primary care.[1] PBC is about engaging practices and other primary care professionals with the NHS (National Health Service) commissioning of services. Through PBC, front line clinicians are being provided with the resources and support to become more involved in commissioning decisions.

PBC aims to provide high quality services for patients in local and convenient settings. GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals are in the prime position to translate patient needs into redesigned services that best deliver what local people want.

"If there is an alternative that is better for the patient and better for the NHS, then practice-based commissioning provides the basis on which they can change the way that services are delivered." Lord Warner, former Minister of State for Health.

GP practices will be supported by the PCTs (Primary Care Trusts) so that they may buy in (commission) services for their patients based upon cost and quality of care. This process is expected to generate financial savings of which 7/10ths may be retained by the practice for further investment while the remainder is passed back to the PCT.

PBC never took off in the UK and was replaced by Clinical Commissioning Groups who now fulfil the role. This was a part of the Health and Social Care Act 2012[2]


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