San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History & Architecture

San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History & Architecture
Author Philip Choy
Language English
Publisher City Lights
Publication date
August 2012
Media type Print (softcover)
Pages 224
ISBN 978-0-87286-540-2

San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History & Architecture is a book by Philip Choy, first published in 2012.

Publication history

The book was published in San Francisco in softcover by City Lights. Architectural photographs in the book were taken in the 1980s by Brian Choy for a case report to nominate Chinatown as a historic district.[1]

Category summary

• History – Chinatown overlays significant sites from different periods of San Francisco’ history: the Spanish period, the Mexican period, and the Mexican period.[2]

• Portsmouth Plaza – the heart and soul of the immigrant Chinese community.

• Sacramento Street – a street that has occupied by the Chinese since the Gold Rush.

• Grant Avenue – the oldest street in the city. Rezoned in the 1980s as a major shopping corridor, it reflects the merchandising methods of the newer immigrants.[3]

• 1) Ross Alley – it has the only fortune cookie factory in Chinatown. 2) Spofford Alley - it was frequented by Hispanics for gambling, prostitution, and opium. 3) Waverly Place – the concentration of buildings that represent different types of traditional Chinese organizations.[4]

• Walking Tours


Reviews of the guidebook have been positive, praising both its quality and contribution in the acknowledgement of San Francisco Chinatown. Jonah Raskin of the San Francisco Chronicle commented, “Choy’s book takes the curious and the puzzled in hand, shows them the key sights and the important landmarks, and opens the door to a vibrant past.”[5] Another review by The Sacramento Bee said, “Choy has produced a richly illustrated volume that celebrates the history and architecture of this remarkable community.”[6]


  1. Philip P. Choy. Introduction of “San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History & Architecture”, p.12. Retrieved on August 29, 2012.
  2. “San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and Architecture”, p. 23. Retrieved on September 17, 2012.
  3. “San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and Architecture”, p. 155. Retrieved on September 17, 2012.
  4. “San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to Its History and Architecture”, p. 199-206. Retrieved on September 17, 2012.
  5. Jonah Raskin. “'San Francisco Chinatown' by Philip Choy”. SF, August 20, 2012. Retrieved on August 29, 2012. <>.
  6. “New Guidebook for San Francisco’s Chinatown”. The Sacramento Bee, August 20, 2012. Retrieved on August 29, 2012. <>.
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