Sociometric Solutions

Sociometric Solutions is a Boston, Massachusetts-based business which provides management services for companies and organizations using sociometric analysis. For their research they have developed a sociometric badge, a high-tech name tag which is embedded with sensors that can track a person's location, interaction, body movement, and speech dynamics.[1] Sociometric Solutions was founded by MIT doctoral students Ben Waber, Daniel Olguin, Taemie Kim, and MIT Professor Alex Pentland. The company has been covered in the media by various news and technology sources including New Scientist, The Boston Globe, CBS News, Businessweek, NPR, CNN, and the New York Times.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Sociometric Solutions clients have included Bank of America and the United States Army.[7][8] The company's research has supported the importance of face-to-face interactions and communication, and building larger networks among peers.[4] One finding from the firm's research was that simple physical changes such as having larger tables in a cafeteria facilitated more interaction and collaboration among colleagues than smaller tables.[5] Another finding emphasized the importance of group breaks and office spaces which facilitate such breaks as having an important effect on employee morale and efficacy.[6] While Sociometric Solutions collects full data through its sensors, it anonymizes the data in its reports to clients, only charting broader patterns and connections to productivity rather than individual tracking and performance.[5]


  1. 1 2 "Specs that see right through you - tech - 05 July 2011". New Scientist. Retrieved 2012-11-24.
  2. "Watertown firm tracks how workers interact - The Boston Globe". 2011-07-18. Retrieved 2012-11-24.
  3. "What charisma is, and how to get it". CBS News. Retrieved 2012-11-24.
  4. 1 2 Waber, Ben. "Forget the Office: Let Employees Work from Home". BusinessWeek. Retrieved 2012-11-24.
  5. 1 2 3 Talk of the Nation. "Concrete Steps For Creating A Happier Office". NPR. Retrieved 2012-11-24.
  6. 1 2 Korkki, Phyllis (2012-07-14). "Group Breaks Can Raise Workplace Productivity". Retrieved 2012-11-24.
  7. Kirsner, Scott (2011-07-13). "Sociometric Solutions deploying digital 'dog tags' to track employee interactions - Innovation Economy". Retrieved 2012-11-25.
  8. "MCTP participates in scientific study | Mission Command Training Program". 2012-05-22. Retrieved 2012-11-25.

External links

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