Stigmella gutlebiella

Stigmella gutlebiella
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nepticulidae
Genus: Stigmella
Species: S. gutlebiella
Binomial name
Stigmella gutlebiella
Laštuvka & Huemer, 2002

Stigmella gutlebiella is a moth of the Nepticulidae family. It was described by Laštuvka and Huemer in 2002. It is known from Golestan in Iran.[1] It differs from related species by its distinct black androconial scales on the hindwing surface and by its characteristic male genitalia: broad gnathos with long distal processes, uncus with conspicuous corners and valva with long distal process.[2]


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