
Trilce (Lima, 1922), it is best-known work by Peruvian poet César Vallejo, and is considered, thanks to its lexicographical and syntactical boldness, as a major work of modern universal poetry and poetic masterpiece of the avant-garde in Spanish.

Prince Edition

Vallejo began writing the book in 1918; For the most part it was written in 1919, and the last two poems in 1922. The Prince (first edition) edition was printed in the workshops of the Penitentiary of Lima, in a short print run of 200 copies.

Trilce began circulating in October 1922. It consisted of 121 pages of text and XVI prologue, the latter written by Antenor Orrego, fraternal friend of Vallejo. He wore on the cover pencil portrait of the poet, made by Victor Morey Peña.

The selling price of each copy was 3 soles. The issue itself will cost Vallejo 150 soles, which could cover the amount of the prize he won in a literary contest held in Lima by the cultural society "Entre nous" in December 1921 (the story awarded on that occasion was the title holder beyond life and death, which he would later form part of his book of stories Scales melografiadas).[1]


  1. All the Prince Edition data appears in the prologue of Julio Ortega's critical edition of Trilce, Guida Editori, 1991
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