
Weidemann is a German family name and may be deduced from the Middle High German terms for hunter or woad farmer.[1]

The German word Weide also means willow, as well as pasture. The name could thus translate into willowman and hence suggests alternative meanings such as the occupational name for a basket maker or a person living near a willowtree. Since Weide (the tree) derives from Middle High German wîda,[2] these meanings can not be assigned to the family name, whose origin dates back to mediaeval times.

The family name Weidemann is first found in Westphalia, Germany, where the name Weidemann emerged in mediaeval times as one of the notable families of the region.[3]

Spelling variations of this family name include: Weide, Weid, Weiden, Waide, Weidler, Weidman, Weidmann, Weidner, Weidtler, Widmann, Wiede, Wiedmann, Wiedemann and many more.



See also


  1. "Last name origin & meaning: Weideman", Namelab, http://genealogy.familyeducation.com/surname-origin/weidmann
  2. "Grimms Deutsches Wörterbuch, Lemma: Weide, http://dwb.uni-trier.de/Projekte/WBB2009/DWB//wbgui_py"
  3. "The Weidemann Family Crest", The House of Names, http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/qx/weidemann-family-crest.htm, 2007
  4. "Font Designer - Kurt Weidemann", Linotype, http://www.linotype.com/639/kurtweidemann.html
  5. "Magnus Weidemann", Evangelist and Artist, http://magnusweidemann.de/index.html
  6. "White Dwarfs - Volker Weidemann", Astronomer, http://saturn.astrophysik.uni-kiel.de/~koester/workshops/workshops.html
  7. "Masses and Evolutionary Status of White Dwarfs", Volker Weidemann, http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.aa.28.090190.000535?cookieSet=1&journalCode=astro

See also

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