Sahatrakund Waterfall

Sahastrakund Waterfall

सहस्त्रकुंड धबधबा

Location Umarkhed, Yavatmal district, Maharashtra, India

Sahastrakund Waterfall is a waterfall near Umarkhed in Yavatmal district. This town is on the boundary of Yavatmal and Nanded on Penganga river.


Sahastrakund situated at a distance 172 km from Yavatmal and 100 km from Nanded . It is also 50 km from Nirmal and 100 km from Adilabad.

Temples around Waterfall

Along with natural scenery waterfall is also known for temples around it. Following are the temple around Waterfall:

  1. Panchamukhi Mahadev Temple
  2. Ram temple
  3. Banganga Mahadev Temple

It is considered as important tourist attraction in rainy season. Waterfall is also known for its rock pattern which looks like black metal.

See also


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